Centre Wellington Dog Owners Group launches website for members

The Centre Wellington Dog Owners Group (CWDOG) launched a new website recently that it hopes will become dog owners’ first resource for all things dog-related in the community.

The website, www.cwdog.org, features a calendar of local dog-related events, articles from local experts and links to local adoption and rescue groups. It also features an extensive section on the Fergus dog park.

Other practical resources on the site include dog-relevant bylaws, information about dog licensing and a list of pet stores, vets, groomers, trainers and other dog professionals in the community.  

“In addition to providing dog owners with good information, we wanted to help local dog professionals get the word out about themselves,” said Mark Pearse, CWDOG director. “The group plans to introduce new feature articles from local business people regularly to keep dog owners coming back.”

With the launch of the site, the non-profit group is beginning its fundraising efforts, inviting visitors to do some Christmas shopping online.

Following up with the launch of its Facebook page, CWDOG is hoping people will begin to think of the site as a place where dog owners can meet and exchange experiences with like-minded people who share their love of dogs. The group is encouraging dog owners to take part in keeping content current by contributing to the site’s blog and photo gallery.

CWDOG was formed in 2007 when a group of owners petitioned for an off-leash park.
