Centre Wellington council appointments

Councillors here have approved the appointment of members of council to external organizations and internal committees

Their decision was based on a report from Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj dated Dec. 20. Her recommendations were as follows:

Groves Memorial Community Hospital Board: Joanne Ross-Zuj, Mary Lloyd and Fred Morris;

Elora BIA: Kirk McElwain;

Fergus BIA: Walt Visser;

Farm Safety Association: Steven VanLeeuwen;

Centre Wellington community medical offices/community stakeholders group for health professionals recruitment and retention: Walt Visser;

Victoria Park Seniors Advisory Board: Councillor Kelly Linton;

Grand River Non-Profit Housing: Mary Lloyd;

Economic Development Advisory Committee: Kirk McElwain and Steven VanLeeuwen;

Heritage Centre Wellington: Kelly Linton; and,

Parks Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee: Fred Morris.

Ross-Zuj stated “I have consulted with councillors on the appointments of members of council to the various internal and external committees and boards and this report sets out my [recommendations].”

She added “council has had a brief discussion on the need to review early in the new year the structure and/or terms of reference for the planning advisory committee and the environmental advisory committee.”


