Centre Wellington announces new senior management positions

On March 1 Centre Wellington Chief Administrative Officer Andy Goldie announced the appointment of Brian Detzler to the position of managing director of community services and Brett Salmon to the position of managing director of planning and development services.

Detzler will start effective March 18 and Salmon  assumed his new role on March 4.

Managing director of community Services

A township press release states Detzler brings over 22 years of parks and recreation experience to the job, in addition to 20 years of experience as a volunteer firefighter for the Township of Woolwich.

He started his career with the City of Waterloo in public works and then moved over to the parks and recreation service area where he was team leader before becoming the director of recreation and leisure services.

Detzler moved to Owen Sound to become the director of operations for the city, before returning to the area in his current role as project manager/deputy director of recreation and facilities for Woolwich Township.

Detzler is also a captain with the Township of Woolwich Volunteer Fire Department and helped to establish the new fire station in Breslau in 2010.

“Brian has outstanding skills and brings an excellent parks, recreation, and fire background to the township,” said Mayor Joanne Ross-Zuj.

“We are excited that Brian is joining our new senior management team and we are pleased about the new leadership to our community services department.”

Detzler lives in Breslau with his family and stated that he is “excited to be joining Centre Wellington and working with the community services team to provide outstanding customer service, programs, facilities, open space, fire and rescue services, and tourism for the community and visitors.”

Managing director of planning and development services

Salmon has been with Centre Wellington for 13 years, overseeing the planning department.

As the managing director, Salmon will now be responsible for planning, building, and economic development, as the township implements the new senior management team approved by the township last December.

Salmon is a registered professional planner with a Bachelor of Environmental Studies degree from the University of Waterloo.

Salmon began his career in the private sector prior to joining the township in 1999.

“Brett has displayed his outstanding planning and leadership skills within our township for over a decade,” said Ross-Zuj.

“I am excited that Brett will be a key part of our new senior management team and look forward to continuing to work with Brett in his new leadership role.”

Salmon stated that he is “excited to be joining the team of managing directors who will be working to ensure that Centre Wellington continues to be a vibrant and progressive municipality.”
