Every year along about the first scattering of snowflakes in the foremost weeks of November, I have…
Bits and Pieces
Recently, the number of letters to the editor numbered greater than ever before. Is this an…
Betwixt and between II
*Continued from July 23 Did they let Shay bat and give away their chance to win the game?…
With Thanksgiving and Remembrance Day just under our belts and Christmas on the way, coupled with…
Day by day
Day by day the long, cold winter has parted. I don’t remember a winter that in my mind has…
Pick pocket’s paradise
Periodically, I wander over to the Keady Livestock Market. It is only a half hour’s drive…
Perhaps it would be a good idea if I lingered longer as I wander around the back 40. This past…
Bowstring bridges
Just a few short weeks ago, my son and I, while poking around the back streets of a small country…
Rural reality
It’s still 20 minutes to the hour of 5am as I sit down at my computer to rattle off the words…
Little bitty tear
“A little bitty tear let me down, spoiled my act as a clown, I had it made up not to make a…
Double dipping
I awoke early on a past Tuesday morning, as the weatherman had forecast a 10 C rise in temperature,…
Bees, bees
Bees, bees, where be the bees? This I wonder as I wander each morning out to check on the health…
Country fairs
This past week has been an interesting one for me. Midweek I was invited by a neighbour to go with…
Snow, again
“Snow, snow, go away, come as drops of rain in the month of May.” That was my sentiment…
Boy oh boy, have these past few days ever been an interesting time for me. I guess it kind of…