Bulk fuel training required by Wellington North

It seems Wellington North staff are now going to have to be trained to do something they already do.

Works Superintendent Gary Williams said, “Apparently it’s part of the fuel handling regulations. Basically what it is, is that anyone who distributes fuel has to have training.”

That includes putting fuel into the trucks at the works departments or putting fuel in the backs of trucks to take to the graders.

“It’s also going to affect the farm community with the training. He stressed that it is not like a week-long course, but there are parameters which have to be followed.

Williamson has contacted individuals working with training fuel suppliers to make a simple transition. “It’s just one more regulation,” Williamson said. Until now, the regulation has not really been enforced, he said. He is hoping to have a group training session with township staff, with the idea of having in-house training later.

He said there will be more paperwork to deal with.

Williamson said the way self-serve gas stations work around the regulation is there is an emergency button for the person on staff that can be used to turn off the gas pump if an individual is not doing things correctly.

“Even though it’s pretty much common sense,” Willi­am­son repeated it is just one more thing the municipality is required to do. It will also mean paperwork to reconcile fuel coming in, and fuel going out, to determine if there are any leaks, he said.

