Bridge announces Pitch It business competition finalists at Mayor”™s Breakfast

Mayor George Bridge credited local volunteers as the driving force behind many of the programs offered in the community, as he provided an update on local activities to Minto business leaders at a breakfast gathering on April 11.

“Because of all the volunteers we have in this community, we have some great programs on the go – and it’s only because we have these volunteers because, we don’t have staff do all of these things,” stated Bridge at the Mayor’s Breakfast, held at Pike Lake Golf Course.

Many of the programs Bridge was referring to have an economic development component, including the “Pitch It” program instituted last year. The program offers prizes such as $2,500 in start-up capital to local business ventures. The competition is geared towards entrepreneurs wishing to open a new business, or purchase, expand or relocate an existing business within the town.

Competitors fill out an application form, which includes a business plan.

Bridge noted that all the participating entrepreneurs benefit from the program, even if they don’t win the competition, because “they’ve got that business plan.”

This year’s finalists for the competition were announced at the breakfast, including: Alexandra’s Airbrush, Minto Mom, Lakeridge Cooling and Heating, Minto Computers, R and R Security and Private Investigations, Teeny Tiny Tots children’s clothing. The winners will be announced at the end of April.

The mayor noted the cultural mapping process under the direction of the local Minto Cultural Roundtable volunteer committee is another economic development driver and unique in a small community.

“We’re the smallest community in Ontario that has done cultural mapping, we’re currently in the second phase,” he explained, adding that the initiative has been recognized by other communities. “When we go to an economic development conference, they know where Minto is, because this has put us on the map.”

Economic and business manager Belinda Wick-Graham reported the municipality’s Creative Business Incubator project is moving forward smoothly, with a report from project consultant Linda Reader expected by the end of the month. Wick-Graham said the municipality is currently looking at a number of potential locations for the incubator, which would involve providing a currently-vacant commercial building as office space for a number of small creative-economy businesses at an affordable rent. The businesses could share equipment and services to keep costs down. Mentoring and other services would be provided through community partners.

Continuing the focus on economic development, Bridge turned to the impending closure recently announced by the A.O. Smith Corporation (formerly GSW) of its manufacturing operations in Fergus. On April 3, A.O. Smith announced plans to consolidate residential and light commercial water heater manufacturing into other North American plants, putting approximately 350 employees out of work. Bridge said through communication between the Wellington County and Minto economic development departments, efforts are underway to attempt to find work for displaced A.O. Smith workers at the TG Minto auto parts manufacturing facility in Palmerston.

“TG Minto has a need and hopefully some of those people will be coming up and getting jobs here,” Bridge stated.

The mayor noted the town has been working with TG Minto for some time, as the company has experienced difficulty filling some positions, a situation he attributes to the area’s low unemployment rate.

“A good unemployment rate is between four and five per cent, and ours is under four,” he explained.

Bridge also announced the third annual Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament would be held at Pike Lake on Aug. 15. The event raises funds for various groups in the community based on applications for funding from the organizations. This year’s tournament proceeds will be shared between the Harriston Figure Skating Club, Minto Minor Ball and the Palmerston Marlin’s ball club.
