Bluebirds return

From out Rockwood way comes one of many emails telling me the birds are returning again and again to nest in the same general areas of Wellington County.

It comes from a longtime friend and reader of my column and, forgive me for bragging a little, I thought it worth sharing with you. It goes exactly like this:

“Good day to you Barrie. Quite some time ago you placed a drawing of a bluebird house in the Advertiser exhorting all who saw it to produce some and place them on their property. My son, Mark, and I made about 20 and set them up. Within a year, we had bluebirds visiting, which has pleased my wife to no end.

“Mark was here yesterday and although a little late, possibly due to the rain, two pairs have returned to the boxes closest to the house and Mark took a couple of pics I thought you would like to see. Regards.”

It is emails such as that one that make my day and my returned answer, in effect, reads: “Hi. If my memory is close to correct, that some time ago is close or perhaps beyond 20 years ago. I am still, as I have for over 20 years, putting together several hundred birdhouse kits each year which are used for “make and take” home workshops in the schools and select locations.

 “The bluebird comeback has been a great success. Each of the three licenced banders whose reports filter back to me has each banded well over 400 during each of the past three years.

“Your pics are excellent. The one on the garden tool handle is a male and the one on the birdhouse is a female. Thanks for keeping in touch over the years.”

It is true, folks, the bluebirds, like the Canada geese and the wild turkey, have made a great comeback from almost extinction in this area. Perhaps we should now be working with the bobwhite quail, which, in many decades long past, once flourished in the grassy fields of this area.

This past week has been a rather pleasant one for me. I have been outside most of the time dittering around the garden and I am, when mood possesses, staining the outside of the board-and-batten so-called chicken coop, which was especially built to house the canaries that I enjoy raising.

Near both the canary castle and the garden area I have two pair of bluebirds busy building nests. They are later doing this than in previous years and I can blame that only on the inclement weather as it has been cold and exceptionally rainy since they came back quite some time ago. 

This next week is going to be equally as pleasant; I have fancy bantam eggs due to hatch in the incubator, and have several pair of canaries due to hatch their tiny speckled blue eggs as well. This never fails to excite me.

Take care, ’cause we care.


Barrie Hopkins
