Beggars Checklist: A new tool for municipal politicians

The Cana­dian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) has provided a new tool for pro­vincial and federal poli­ti­cians to use when approached by cap-in-hand municipal poli­ti­cians: The Beggar’s Check­list.

The checklist includes ten initiatives that municipalities should complete prior to approaching another level of government for more funding or taxing powers.

“When municipal politi­ci­ans beg another level of gov­ernment for more money they’re taking the easy way out,” said Colin Craig, Mani­toba Director for the CTF and author of The Beggar’s Check­list: A “To Do” List for Municipalities.

“In most cases, municipalities need to start using their existing resources more efficiently,” he said.

 The checklist:  has your municipality:

– brought staff salaries in-line with the private sector?

– contracted out services wherever possible?

– utilized public private partnerships for capital pro­jects?

– sold surplus land and assets?

– converted services to user fees?

– sought volunteers for the delivery of city services?

– refocused on core services?

– raised revenues for ser­vices through sponsorship acti­vities?

– partnered with other gov­ernments for service delivery?

– used technology to reduce costs?

“Calgary raises $1-million each year in corporate spon­sorships, Sacramento uses volunteers to help deliver ser­vices, and Los Angeles is using new technology to provide rapid transit for a fraction of the cost,” added Craig. “Muni­cipal politicians in Canada need to start copying best practices from other Canadian municipalities and other juris­dictions.”

The CTF provided The Beggar’s Checklist to muni­cipal, provincial, and federal politicians across the country.


