Badenoch volunteers recognized for half-century of dedication to community

On Jan. 24, Puslinch council recognized the Badenoch Community Centre Committee and its members for their contributions to the township.

“We want to recognize your contributions to the Badenoch community and to Puslinch in general,” said Mayor Dennis Lever said.

“It all comes back to the original school districts and how the community of Puslinch was formed by those districts.

“It’s been over 50 years of involvement.”

For decades, the township had overseen the former schoolhouse and the community centre board, only to discover last year the building and property arre owned by Wellington County.

Councillor Susan Fielding stated she had the privilege working with this group during her term on council.

“It was always one of the fun things I looked forward to,” she said.

“The people there had such a heartfelt love for the facility and the activities going on in their community.”

Fielding added “unfortunately we see fewer and fewer of these (facilities/activities) in our small rural communities in Ontario.”

She noted her mother moved to the Puslinch community later in life, “and she loved attending events at Badenoch and everyone was so friendly and kind to her.”

Fielding said she considers Badenoch “a great example of community spirit in Puslinch.

“I think it is a great facility and I hope it continues on for many years as part of the county.”

Councillor John Sepulis also offered his thanks to committee members “for making this a vital part of our community.”

He added, “You people helped make this into a viable place for the community – linking the past to the present.”

Councillor Ken Roth had also sat on the board as a council representative.

“It was an eye opener to discover how committed and passionate this committee is,” he said.

He offered heartfelt thanks for the group’s efforts and wished them the best for the future.

Councillor Matthew Bulmer said he thought back to his first term on council, and his first time as council representative at the group’s annual general meeting.

Yet his experience “pales in comparison” to many of the Badenoch Community Centre members.

In describing members of the community centre board, Bulmer said, “The words that come to mind [are] ‘tenacity and commitment’. There was never a sense of giving up.”

He noted there are a number of second-generation board members now.

“It points to the long-term viability of the hall and I am proud to serve with some of the longest serving mentors of our community,” Bulmer said.

The mayor then read an expression of appreciation, “On behalf of the township of Puslinch in recognition and appreciation of the contributions of the Badenoch Community Centre Board and its members.”

Board chairman Ken Tosh thanked council for its support over the years and  expressed his hope that under the leadership of the county, the Badenoch centre would remain an important part of the community for years to come.
