Backup Meals on Wheels drivers sought

President Alieda Murray welcomed 20 board members, drivers, clients and guests to the Clifford Community Meals on Wheels annual general meeting recently at Jamesway Manor in Clifford.  

She shared an interesting article regarding the qualities of volunteers and is appreciative of the dedicated people who deliver the meals.

Treasurer Phyllis Kaufman reported 1,153 meals were delivered in 2014, varying in number each month from 73 meals in November to 116 in May and July.

Patrick Mullan Jim and Marlene Dennie owners of the Redwood Restaurant and their staff continue to prepare hot and healthy, nutritious and affordable meals three times a week at lunchtime for eight to 10 clients.

Due to varying circumstances, some of the regular meal delivery drivers will need to take a step back.

Spare drivers will take their place, but there is always room for more spare drivers.

Call 327-8899 for information about volunteering with Meals on Wheels.  

The board of directors for 2015 includes Helen Braun, Karen Dowler, Lyle Murray, Shirley Murray, Randy Ruetz, Marion Agla, Ross Derbecker, Eleanore Gerber, Wes Gerber, Carol Lange, Patrick Mullan, Alieda Murray, Joyce Yost and Bonnie Whitehead.
