Artwork sought for outdoor public display

The Elora Sculpture Project is seeking submissions from artists wishing to take part in the third year of its Sculpture for Outdoor Sites program.

In downtown Elora, the project has created a number of sculpture exhibition areas that serve as outdoor venues for artists to experiment with public space, urban context, materials and scale.   

Up to 10 sculptures will be selected and each will be installed at one of these sites from May to November 2013.

The exhibited sculptures will be available for sale; essentially turning the village core into an outdoor gallery.  All sales proceeds go directly to the artist.

In 2012, the second year of the project, the selected works showed a wide range of subject matter and media.  

Artists from Elora, Fergus, Rockwood, Waterloo and Oakville exhibited works in wood, stainless steel, clay, glass, forged steel, bronze and found objects. Officials say feedback from the public has been very positive.

Full entry details and requirements are available at Entries must be received by Feb. 15.

The project is a civic initiative, funded and managed by the Elora BIA with the cooperation of the Township of Centre Wellington.
