Art of Tony Luciani at museum until June 3

The Art of Tony Luciani display is on now at the Wellington County Museum and Archives until June 3.

Tony Luciani has spent a major part of his career in Wellington County and was an active member of the arts community in Minto Township.

Now living in the village of Durham, he has been working for several years on this major exhibition.

“I want the viewer to be drawn into the work, to be captured by the detail, and step closer to discover what is in it,” said Luciani. “At the same time, I hope people will look to find a deeper, more significant meaning.

“Rather than achieving a realistic likeness, I try to capture the feeling I get … This is why I would call my work interpretive. I put so much of myself into my paintings that, in a sense, each one becomes a self-portrait.”

The museum will host an opening reception on April 13 at 7pm.

A special highlight is Luciani’s recently acclaimed painting, Contemplation (above), one of 30 pieces chosen for the prestigious Kingston Prize for Portraiture in 2011.
