Area students perform before adjudicators at Canada Music Week Festival held in Palmerston

The 33rd annual Palmerston Canada Music Week Festival was held on Nov. 17.

The festival is run by a volunteer committee of teachers consisting of Tanis Cowan, Laura Gray, Anne Grobbo, April Martin and Cheryl Weber.

Several other teachers from the area participated by sending students to the festival and volunteering with tasks throughout the day. This year over 130 entries were received in piano solo, duet and composition classes. A non-competitive adult class has also been added to the festival.

Adjudicators were Beth Hamilton from Priceville and Norine Broomhead from Mount Forest.

Hamilton is a music educator, music therapist and singer-songwriter who has been teaching music for over 20 years including Kindermusik, workshops for school children, and private piano lessons. She has a piano studio in Owen Sound, where she is vice-president of the ORMTA Owen Sound Branch. She writes and performs songs in a singing duo known as Beckon.

Broomhead is a piano teacher, adjudicator and examiner with many years of experience. She has studied cello and harp, and worked as a church accompanist. She is active in her community arts council and musical events. Broomhead is a recipient of the Georgetown Trinity Teacher’s Award, and Cora B. Ahrens Award for excellence in piano pedagogy.

Canada Music Week was established in 1960 by the Canadian Federation of Music Teachers’ Association, and is celebrated the third week of November, in honour of St. Cecilia, the patron saint of music. Students, teachers, and their families gather for events across Canada, to learn and celebrate all aspects of Canadian music.

“Music festivals encourage young people to develop a love and understanding of the arts, and foster the values of self-discipline, teamwork, and excellence,” organizers state.  

Students are supported by the community with scholarships and organizers thanked the donors who made the scholarships possible: Dale Connell, the Semelhago family, Conestogo Agri Systems, The Piano Shop – Elmira, Neville Leake Tuning and Repair, Palmerston Eastern Star, Hanover-Walkerton Branch of Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association, Lorraine Ballard, and Beryl Martin.
