Alma WI donate to three area food banks

Christmas cookies and a glass of water served by candlelight was the lunch served at the Alma Women’s Institute  December meeting. The hydro went out in the middle of the afternoon however that didn’t stop members from carrying on with the meeting at home of Ruth Grose, which was nicely decorated for Christmas.

Many donations were made to area food banks in Arthur, Drayton, and Fergus. Donations were also made for family counseling, the Earland Lee Museum and the  memorial garden project planned for the Alma Community Park.

Eileen Downey and Marg Hall were in charge of the program.

 A Christmas trivia contest and a pass-the-Christmas-gift game  was enjoyed and each member ended up with a gift to keep.

The roll call required members to recite a verse from a Christmas song.

Secretary Wilma Snowe has recorded hundreds of volunteer hour this year.

Members who had visited and delivered parcels to members of the community gave reports.

Secretary Wilma Snowe made a presentation to Pat Salter to mark her recent receipt of a Queen’s Jubilee Medal.
