4-H Rockwood veterinary club

The third meeting of the Rockwood 4-H Vet club was held at the Brander’s house.

We started with the 4-H pledge and club business. We had a special guest, Dr. Kirsten Graham from Royal Canin. She showed us a slide show about the main nutrients needed in a pet’s diet. She talked to us about by-products and their value in dog and cat food. We did a couple of neat experiments. First we saw how fiber works by adding water to Metamucil and seeing the difference. This showed how fiber makes you feel full.

We also tried to guess how much food was a cup and then weighed it to confirm. Some of us were not at all close, where others were. This showed us the importance of measuring our pet’s food accurately. She ended by giving everyone a bag of sour skittles, which was a huge hit for everyone. The meeting ended with the 4-H motto. Thanks again to Dr. Graham for an interesting meeting.

submitted by Josh Brander
