4-H Poultry Club: More team competitions

The third meeting of the 4-H Poultry Club was held on May 18 at Mimosa Church.

Once all club members had arrived, the meeting was opened with the 4-H pledge by Lily, then the secretary report was read. Anaka moved the minutes to be adopted as read, which was seconded by Deirdre. Roll call was next, and members were to give a report on how their chicks were doing. Unfortunately, there were some tragic stories.  

One family brought in some chicks and chickens to show members since they were different breeds and sizes.

Following this, members were divided into four groups where each group’s sign was examined and judged for its appearance. Soon groups travelled to various stations about bird health, chicken sayings, healthy birds and bird crossword puzzle activities.

Once all the stations had been completed, leaders tallied up all points, while members played a game of chicken jeopardy.

Group three members had achieved the most points and won the golden egg, which contained a loonie and candy for each member.

This was a really fun meeting, and before we knew it, the meeting was closed by the president with the 4-H motto.

Submitted by Sarah Ceccato
