4-H: Judging time

The fourth meeting of the 4-H poultry club was held on June 25.

Several live stalk clubs were joined in this meeting.  We began with the 4-H pledge. Then we started talking about judging and certain things to look for.

June demonstrated with 4 pencils. We had to judge them according to length, eraser, and sharpness of the lead. When we had a better understanding of what judging was like, we judged a Cochin chicken. This was very fun to do.

Next we got divided into six different groups. We went to different stations around the farm judging many things such as, beef and dairy cows, sheep, halters, shirts, and paintbrushes.

When we were all done, we visited the stations one more time as one big group. As we did so, we got the right judging answers.

Afterwards, when this was done, we closed the meeting with the 4-H motto, and got to munch on some goodies because we were all tired!

submitted by Sarah Ceccato

