4-H club works on wood projects

The first meeting of the 4-H woodworking and wood burning club was held on April 29. When we got there, leader June Switzer gave us a safety briefing  and told us the projects we would be making throughout the club.

She told us we would be making an animal toy with moveable legs, a cheese board that we will wood burn and many other small projects as well as, for those who didn’t make one before, a candy dispenser.

We split into two groups. One group started making cheese boards by gluing different pieces of wood together to make one piece of wood. This group also made wooden animals with moving legs using the scroll saw.

The second group practiced using the wood burners by decorating wooden spoons.

At the end of the meeting we had elections of the officers, with Madison as president, Sara as vice-president, Autumn as secretary and Gillian as press-reporter.

After the elections, Madison led us in the 4-H pledge and the motto and the meeting adjourned.

submitted by Gillian McVeigh

The second 4-H woodworking and wood burning Club was held on May 27 in Rockwood.

We started with the 4-H  pledge, led by club president Madison, and then we went over the rules with June Switzer.

We then split up into groups. The group who did woodworking last time did wood burning this time and other the group who did woodworking this time.

In woodworking, we made cheese boards using saws; then when we finished we could make an animal with movable legs or a bubble gum  machine.  

The people in wood burning made a treasurechest with the wood burners. At the end,  the 4-H motto that was led by Madison, the president.

submitted by Emily McVeigh
