Wellington North endorses Musashi Auto Parts addition

KENILWORTH – Arthur will be getting a bit taller in the coming months with a new addition to Musashi Auto Parts Canada Inc.

On Oct, 7, Wellington North held a committee of adjustment meeting to discuss the company’s proposal to build a 17,007sq.ft. addition to its building at 333 Domville Street in Arthur.

However, it needed council’s endorsement to build to a  height of 18.5 m (60.68 ft) in order to accommodate new equipment for the facility.

Current zoning permits a height of 12 m (39.4 ft).

Planner Jessica Rahim said the county had no concerns regarding the additional height as long as it only applied to the new addition.

No objections were raised by members of the audience.

Councillors expressed no qualms with the proposal.

Mayor Andy Lennox stated the proposal was straight forward.

“Yet again, Musashi is looking to invest in our community which is good news.”

Council quickly authorized the minor variance to allow the additional height of the building addition.

