Volunteer Event held at Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex

FERGUS – As local fairs and festivals are desperately seeking volunteers, they’ve pooled their resources and held a volunteer recruitment night at the Centre Wellington Community Sportsplex in Fergus April 20.

With 20 booths set up in the hall, guests had the opportunity to speak with organizers, enter contests and sign up to volunteer for events being held within the Wellington County area throughout the year.

Around 100 were in attendance at the volunteer event including the Fergus Fall Fair, Cogs and Clockwork, the Enchanted Forest of Fergus, River Festival, The Fibre Festival and the Scottish Festival and Highland games to name a few.

The event co-incided with national volunteer week and drew attendees from across Wellington County.

For more information about how to become a volunteer or to learn about local events visit https://www.wellington.ca/en/business/ed-volunteer-opportunities.aspx.

Spencer Shewen talks with potential volunteers at his booth promoting Riverfest

Julia Zimmerman, co-founder of the Enchanted Forest of Fergus excitedly greets interested participants for the second annual show.

The team representing the Fergus Fall Fair share information about the event with guests.

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