Victoria Park Seniors Centre celebrates Robbie Burns Day

FERGUS – Every year the Victoria Park Seniors’ Centre in Fergus celebrates Robbie Burns Day with a special lunch.

Robbie Burns was born Jan. 25, 1759 near Ayr, Scotland and is regarded as Scotland’s national poet. He is most famous for writing the words to Auld Lang Syne. The seniors’ centre offers meals every Wednesday and this year its Robbie Burns lunch fell on Jan. 24.

The menu for the day included meat pie, mushy peas, “neeps and tatties” (also known at potatoes and turnips), caramel raisin pudding and haggis. The haggis was carried around the room, led by piper Mark Cripps in full dress. Burns’ “Address to Haggis” was then performed by John Campbell. Shortly after, the piper and the gang went around the room once more before offering a prayer. Nearly 60 seniors cheered to the haggis before eating their lunch.