Turtles are on the move and humane society asks drivers to be on the look-out

GUELPH – The Guelph Humane Society is asking drivers to keep an eye out for turtles.

Turtles are at the beginning of their egg-laying season, which will continue until early July. Females often will lay their eggs in the sandy, gravel shoulders along our roads, then while crossing the roadways they are at significant risk of injuries or death due to collisions with vehicles.

There are eight native species of turtles in Ontario, and all are designated as either endangered, threatened, or of special concern. Road mortality is second only to habitat loss, as a contributing factor to declining populations. The life cycle of turtles makes them very vulnerable to the loss of even a small number of adults within a population, which is why helping to ensure their safe crossing of roads is so important.

What do I do if I see a turtle crossing the road?

If it is safe to do so, stop and give them a helping hand. Always move a turtle across the road in the direction that they are headed. For species other than snapping turtles, you can pick up the turtle with two hands, one on either side of the shell, and carefully transport them across the road. If you do not know the species of turtle, handle it as if is a snapping turtle.

Snapping turtles need extra caution. Never approach a snapping turtle from the front or side of the shell, as they have a long neck that can reach out and around their shell and potentially deliver a nasty bite. Instead, approach snapping turtles from the rear, and firmly grip the turtle at the rear of their shell, on either side of their tail, and slide them onto a car mat or shovel. You can then slide them across the road, continuing to hold them by the back of their shell, until they are safely across the road.

As a precaution, disinfect your hands afterwards, as turtles can carry salmonella.

Never pick up a turtle by the tail, as it can cause a serious injury to their spinal column.

What do I do if the turtle has been injured?

If the turtle has been injured, and it is safe to do so, remove it from the road and secure it in a box or plastic tote. Contact the Guelph Humane Society immediately. Always note the exact location of where the turtle was found. Turtles are incredibly robust and capable of recovering from extensive trauma to their shell when provided with necessary medical care.

GHS will assess the turtle’s injuries and provide supportive care.

Furthermore, GHS also requests to be contacted about deceased turtles found along roadways. If the turtle is a female, the eggs can be collected, incubated, and hatched for release by wildlife rehabilitators.

Please keep your eyes out for turtles and help these creatures safely navigate our roadways. Call GHS at 519-824-3091 if you have concerns for any wildlife in Guelph and Wellington County.
