Teddy bears check-up at hospital on May 1

The Teddy Bear Clinic at Head­waters Hospital Auxiliary here is a long standing event where children can bring their Teddy bears and dolls to the hospital for a medical “check up.”


The doctors and nurses volunteer their time to help make the kids feel comfortable with the hospital environment.

­­­­­­On the lawn at the hospital there will be pony rides and a petting zoo so the young patrons can also be­come familiar with animals in different ways.

The charge for a check up is a toonie a patient. Pony rides are $1 and the petting zoo is free though  treats for the ani­mals will be on sale.  There will be free parking, face painting, hot dogs, and lots of fun for the young participants. There will be draws for brand new teddy bears and a fish pond.

The event runs May 1 from 10am to 1pm.


