Reflections: Happiness in Heaven

People will live together in Judah and all its towns—farmers and those who move about with their flocks. I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint. (Jer. 31:24-25)

In Heaven I am free from all worldly encumbrances, disorders, and diseases. 

Here I am full of strength and complete in hope. Pure cheerfulness is my constant companion, grief has been alleviated, trouble has ceased, every activity is a satisfying and enjoyable experience, and all my desires are appeased. I have need of nothing.

In Heaven all my needs are satisfied.

• Because I am content with my lot and ample supply, there is no conflict.

• Because I already hold a place of favour, I do not need to fight to gain any other advantage.

• Because I already occupy the seat of honour, there is no need to push to get ahead.

• Because I am already fully satisfied, I no longer have the need to quench desires. 

Christ himself, the Lord of Heaven, is my fortune. He is my happiness. What he supplies is notably fitting to how he created me. The clothes he gives me are a perfect fit and the tasks he assigns me to complete fully compliment my gifts and talents. I am content.

The atmosphere of Heaven is pervaded by good friendships, friendly cooperation, and loving enthusiasm. I am happy, and those around me are happy.

I can’t wait!

But wait!

While I await the full revelation of God’s glory in Heaven, the quality of healthy well-being and wholesome contentment that exists in Heaven is also being manifested in me and in my world – as it is in Heaven.

Take a moment to ponder this.

We will continue this conversation in my next article. 

Laurie Langdon