A group of residents living in Wellington and Dufferin Counties has organized a public meeting on wind farms here at Centre Wellington District High School.
The group is opposed to the creation of a large wind power project with about 35 turbines, 500 feet high, that is currently being proposed for the Belwood area.
"However, this is not a protest meeting," said James Virgin, one of the organizers.
"We simply want to update people on the progress of this project, and provide them with information about the impact of wind farms elsewhere – so they can make up their own minds."
Several speakers who have had personal experience of wind farms in other parts of Ontario will make presentations.
The organizers hope that interested residents living in all the counties surrounding Fergus will attend.
The project planned for Belwood is by Invenergy, an American company which has operations all over North America.
Several such proposals by wind generation companies are currently in the works for Ontario – and are being fast-tracked by the provincial government.
The meeting is March 25 at Centre Wellington District High School at 6.30pm, when printed materials will be available.
Speakers will begin at 7 pm. Everyone is welcome and admission is free.
For more information, visit opposebelwoodwindfarm@gmail.com.