Palmerston Blessings to You Centre supports Seniors’ Centre for Excellence

PALMERSTON – The Blessings to You Centre Thrift and Gift Store in Palmerston is helping support programs of the Seniors’ Centre for Excellence (SCE) with a $2,000 donation.

“The SCE has been working hard since its inception on 2008 to keep seniors in North Wellington active, connected and engaged,” said Edwards.

“We have worked hard, not to duplicate services, but to fill gaps in the social and health programming offered in each community. We actively work to dispel the myths of aging, which is so often portrayed in the media as a time of frailty and decline. Yes, aging has its unique challenges, but we believe that all stages of life do.” Each year the SCE provides services to over 850 unique individuals with over 8,000 visits to their programs.

Programs include congregate dining, line dancing, Tai chi, coffee groups, shuffleboard, and assorted workshops throughout the year. In addition, the centre offers Zoom programming, which provides another way to connect socially. 

“This is especially important to those with mobility issues or with compromised immune systems,” said Edwards, noting the centre also has a robust mailing list for its Heart and Soul newsletter, which continues to grow each month. “One of the recipients said she looks forward to receiving the newsletter in her mailbox, as it feels like a letter from a friend,” Edwards pointed out.