Minto Refugee Settlement Committee bringing another Syrian family to Harriston

HARRISTON – Minto’s small Syrian community is set to grow as the families of two brothers will reunite here later this month.

Five years ago Ahmad and Henan Almohamad and their family left behind family and friends in a refugee camp in Turkey and arrived in Harriston after escaping violence in their war-torn homeland.

“They have settled in well, learning the English language, finding employment, attending school, and adding three more little ones to their family,” stated Rev. Kathy Morden of Knox Calvin Presbyterian Church in an email to the Advertiser.

With ongoing political unrest in Syria and little hope of returning to their home in Aleppo, Ahmad’s brother and his family applied to immigrate to Canada.

Their application has been accepted and they are due to arrive on Nov. 23.

“The Minto Refugee Settlement Committee is excited about their coming and what it means for Ahmad and Henan to have relatives living close by,” said Morden.

The newcomers, Obid and Nizal, have five children ranging in age from four to 19. Like his brother, Obid is a professional ceramic tiler.

The Minto Refuge Settlement committee is working to prepare for their arrival. A house has been made available, along with primer and paint to freshen it up. Employment has been secured for Obid.

However the committee notes there is still much to do and local residents “can play an important role in the journey of this Syrian refuge family.”

Morden says financial donations would be greatly appreciated and can be made through Knox-Calvin Presbyterian Church in Harriston.
