Minto council supports call for combined conferences

MINTO – Council here is supporting a resolution calling on the Ontario Good Roads Association and Rural Ontario Municipal Association to go back to the past practice of holding a combined annual conference.

ROMA and OGRA conferences were combined in the late ‘90s to become one conference. A decision was made to split the two conferences in 2017.

The resolution from the Town of Goderich states “it makes great sense” for the associations to return to a combined conference effort, “not only financially for the municipality but also for availability for participation of members of council and staff.”

‘Vital opportunity’

The resolution, endorsed by Minto council on March 19, notes the OGRA and ROMA conferences “afford a vital opportunity for delegations with members of our provincial parliament” so returning to a combined conference “provides a better respect to their availability and participation.”

The resolution also requests that a hybrid participation option be considered as not everyone who wishes to attend is able to do so in person.

Councillor Judy Dirksen suggested supporting the resolution to re-unite the conferences, which was included in the correspondence at the March 19 meeting.

“It seems to be that there would be some efficiencies to be gained by that,” she stated.

“I also agree that there’s some efficiencies to be had … mindful of people’s time nowadays to attend two conferences,” said deputy mayor Jean Anderson.
