Minto council approves historical mural in Teviotdale

MINTO – The heritage and history of Teviotdale is of interest to a group of Minto citizens, who contacted Minto council about the possibility of honouring the hamlet with a marker or sign. 

The group researched the area, gathered old photographs and stories, and with support from the town, launched a fundraising campaign to cover the cost of installing a marker, Minto treasurer Gordon Duff told council on April 16. 

“They decided that they would try and put up a mural, somewhat like what we have in the Lions Heritage Park and various other locations throughout … Minto,” he said. 

The mural board will include six historical photographs, “some from way back and some from maybe only 50 years ago,” Duff said, and each will be accompanied by a small story. 

“Public art is an important element throughout Minto and adds to the quality of place in a community,” states a report to council, “but the challenge is – where do we put it? “ 

As the hamlet does not have a park, Duff said town staff “went around various sites and came up with what I think is a very good location” – in a grove of spruce trees at the Teviotdale Truck Stop. 

“The truck stop is a very popular spot to stop off on the way to the cottage or pull in for a coffee in the winter,” and the spot for the mural has good visibility, he said.  

“This will provide an attraction for customers of the restaurant and for the numerous passersby from all four directions into Teviotdale,” the report states. “The signs will be set far back from the roundabout and will not be a visual distraction to drivers.” 

Duff is hopeful the mural will be up by the end of May, when there will likely be an unveiling ceremony. 
