Minto approves reduced setback for barn addition

MINTO – The town’s committee of adjustment has approved construction of a dairy barn addition on the 6th Line, allowing reduced MDS setbacks for the barn and an accompanying liquid manure tank.

Property owner Aden Martin applied for a minor variance to allow the addition to be located 88.3m (290 feet) from the nearest neighbour’s dwelling and 16.4m (54 ft) from the side property line.

He also asked for a liquid manure tank to be located 126.7m (416 ft) from the nearest neighbour’s dwelling and 9.1m (30 ft) to the side property line.

The town’s existing zoning bylaw requires minimum setbacks for the barn of 191m (626 ft) to the nearest neighbour’s dwelling and 19.1m (62.3 ft) to the side property line; and setbacks for the manure tank of 272m (892.3 ft) to the nearest neighbour’s dwelling and 27m (88.5 ft) to the side property line.

County planner Jessica Rahim stated at a Sept. 17 public meeting the county has no issues with the request.

“The proposed barn addition and new manure tank provides operational efficiency,” she stated in a report to the committee of adjustment, which consists of members of Minto council. “The liquid manure tank is proposed to be built next to the existing farm building cluster and set back from the municipal drain on the subject lands.”

Rahim added, “The application would maintain the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw, is minor, desirable and appropriate for the development of the subject property.”

Minto building assistant Michelle Brown stated town staff have no concerns with the reduced MDS setback and noted no comments were received from surrounding property owners.

“I’ve got great neighbours. No issues,” said Martin.

