Mimosa 4-H Blacklight Theatre Club

The first meeting of the Mimosa 4-H Blacklight Theatre Club was held on March 8 at Mimosa Church. 

The leaders for this project are June Switzer, Carol Pollock, Jennifer Pollock, Megan Pollock, Todd Radigan, Kate Burton, Teresa and Paul Knierim.

The election of officers was held. Deirdre Kerr and Lily McLean are co-presidents, Nevyn Flanagan is the secretary and Madison Bartlett is the press reporter. 

Blacklight Theatre is a form of puppetry where puppeteers perform dressed in black (head to toe) against a black background. 

The stage is lit only with ultraviolet lighting. The ultraviolet light does not pick up the black so the puppeteers blend into the background becoming invisible to the naked eye.  

Ultraviolet light causes the fluorescent colours of puppets (or props) to visually glow. Words, puppets, and props appear as if by magic, disappear and move effortlessly about the stage.  It is captivating for the audience and fun for the performers.

We must take care of the props and other things that June lends us. All members are required to have black clothes.  

Videos from past years of blacklight clubs were viewed. 

We discussed ideas we could perform this year. All scenes must have a beginning, middle and a conclusion. 

The members practiced the Cha-Cha Slide and the fantastic acts. 

Everyone painted a mask that could be worn for his or her performance.  

Meetings will be held about once a month, with extra practices just before the show. 

Hopefully you will join us in the fall for the fun of black magic.

