Young people do care

Dear Editor:

RE: Be responsible, Oct. 1.

Why do old people believe that the younger generation doesn’t care about other people’s safety?

We do care about other people’s safety. Wearing a mask is very unnatural for young people. It is hard to follow regulations that we did not grow up following. All we hear these days is, “it’s because of the young people – they don’t wear masks” or, “blame it on the young folk – they don’t care about us.”

I do not take kindly to being called “irresponsible.” It is very true that a lot of young people refuse to wear masks, but don’t assume that every young person doesn’t wear a mask. I think we should all wear masks out of respect for others. We all have grandparents and parents that we care about, too.

There are many older people that I know who won’t wear a mask, who in fact refuse to wear a mask. Why is it that we hear nothing about them, only the “young kids”? Is this because it is considered disrespectful if young people tell older people to put a mask on?

According to this letter, the young people are the enemies. Just because COVID-19 doesn’t affect young people as much, it is wrong to think that young people “don’t care about others’ safety.”

It does not feel nice to be judged all the time.

Alexander Thalen,