Wear a life jacket

Dear Editor:

To the rafters who enjoyed an afternoon trip down the Grand River through Fergus on Aug. 22.

I applaud that the children were wearing life jackets. However, the adults were not.

In the past, I have enjoyed whitewater canoeing and kayaking, and I am very aware that any river can present unexpected nasty surprises, and that wearing life jackets is the only sensible thing to do.

Also, what kind of role model are you for your children?

There have been far too many preventable water-related deaths – I do not wish to hear about more.

Five years ago this month, I wrote another letter to the Wellington Advertiser, and I ended that letter by saying:

“I am also a retired physician, and I am well aware how quickly tragic events can happen – that not all tragedies can be prevented, but some can be prevented.

“Seatbelts for cars, helmets for bicycles, and life jackets for watercraft are all no-brainers.”

Millie Cumming,