Valued Volunteers

Dear Editor:

I want to thank all of the volunteers at the New To You store and the volunteers at Groves hospital.

The New To You store and the gift shop in the hospital help to support new equipment within the hospital, as well as financially contributing to the new hospital being built. Hospital volunteers help with many programs from the minute you enter the hospital at the welcome desk to warm blankets in an emergency room to various meal assisting programs – and of course the gift shop offering warm coffee and support and a smile at that difficult time.

So many volunteers in our community making a real difference in people’s lives at a time that is really needed … we need more volunteers .. as the saying goes, “it takes a village…” If you have a couple of hours a week or a month, we can use you. Our volunteers are a great group!

Thank you to each and every one of you who have made a huge difference in peoples lives in this community.

Brenda Chamberlain, ELORA