Vaccines work

Dear Editor:

Don’t believe everything you read on social media! For those people who are considering refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine, this is not the time for protesting.

A vaccine is the only thing that can produce antibodies for long-term protection – short of catching the disease itself (not recommended here).

I am a certified homeopath and I understand the concerns about vaccines. But I also understand that they work!  And a pandemic is when vaccines become invaluable. We must maximize compliance with respect to vaccinating the population.

There will already be people who won’t be able to take the vaccine for valid reasons (ie.- immuno-compromised). And the vaccines are only about 95% effective.

So, it’s important for every able-bodied person to accept vaccination. Note that if enough people refuse the vaccine, the virus will likely mutate. The current vaccines may not be able to protect against certain mutations. That would require the development of a new vaccine, adding years to the process.

Even after being fully vaccinated, it is still possible to become infected by and spread the virus.  The vaccine only prevents us from becoming sick (developing symptoms) if we contract the virus.

This is why it’s important to continue following protocols (wearing a mask, etc.) until Health Canada deems it safe to stop. Please cooperate.

Marg Gollinger,