Unwanted ‘drop-offs’

Dear Editor:

RE: Local man collects trash to help clean up parks, ditches, Aug. 27.

I was enthused to hear of Tyler Bowley’s project to collect roadside litter in Centre Wellington.

For the past 20 years we have tried to keep up with the “drop-offs” that arrive weekly in the provincially significant wetland and coldwater stream that forms a dip in the road in front of our farm.

It is bewildering that some folks have a pernicious habit of discarding their cups, cans and food packages into the same space as showy lady’s slipper orchids and other beauties of nature.

Litterers beware! We’re building a profile of a particular offender whose same blend-marked Tim Hortons cups show up every week, year round.

It would be appreciated if the local producers of all this unrecycled waste would offer to pay for “no litter” signs to help protect our beautiful roadsides from some of their customers’ bad habits.

Jim Dougan,
RR2 Alma