Truth vital to justice

Dear Editor:

What is it about Trudeau that has so many people believing he is a great leader?

He has not functioned with integrity with situations like WE and it continues. He spends like there is no end to finances, like a teenager with a credit card, he did not take care of Canadians with PPE in 2020 and he is not doing it for this variant which is fast approaching or with rapid tests in every home to identify the variant. It is coming and it does affect people who have been vaccinated too.

Israel, the most vaccinated country, is already taking steps because of the high incidence of the COVID-19 delta variant in their vaccinated and unvaccinated population.

Trudeau pushes through much legislation affecting freedoms such as freedom of speech on the internet and he is now introducing Bill C-26 to have people charged before they commit a crime. I am not talking  terrorism, I am talking all of us. If you are accused, you can be charged. What kind of justice is this? This is subjective charges based on what … emotions?

We have something come up every day and he does come across on TV as convincing, but please look at the deeds and how our country is becoming divided.  He continues to spend and it is not on issues directly affecting Canadians. Clean water for the Indigenous was not addressed at the time. It should have been done right away.

We need peace in Canada. We don’t need a prime minister who enjoys stirring up everything to platform and I believe that is what he is doing. Trudeau needs to be confronted and made accountable.   

We have a great country.  Nothing is perfect, but we have good people in Canada and wonderful resources. We must work together, and not let anyone divide us, or demean Canadians on the world scene, even our prime minister.  We are not perfect, but Canadians will always work to do better! Did you know many children and people all over Canada died of tuberculosis and flu in the late 1800s and 1900s until about 1940 when antibiotics were first introduced? Think about it. This is not discussed in any media. Why?

I love Canada and want justice for all Canadians and kindness, respect and most important, truth.

Truth will set us free and it is vital to justice.

Carolann Krusky,