‘Trump syndrome’?

Dear Editor:

RE: ‘Same grifters,’ Oct. 12.

Well, I see our old friend Jim Trautman has reared his head again. This American thinks he knows about what Canadians are thinking. He really has Trump syndrome in the worst way, but he loves to take it out in our little vocal paper.

I was at the convoy in Ottawa and I don’t think he can understand what was going on there. As for the 1 million March, this is freedom of speech at its best, as it brought out the real feelings of Canadians not just a few.

Very soon, and not soon enough, Pierre Poilievre will be our prime minister and he is going to have quite a job in front of him to get this country back in order. The mess our present prime minister has caused will take years of hard work to correct. 

As Canadians, we are proud people and we don’t want to be the laughingstock of the world or be the hand bag of cash for the next cause that erupts in the world.

Scott Rae,

*Editor’s note: Jim Trautman is a past resident of Wellington County. He relocated to California in recent years.