Too quick to judge

Dear Editor:

I was very disappointed at the letters that I read this week in response to the anti-mask protest.

Some of us have family members with health issues who can’t wear masks because of breathing issues.

My 86-year-old grandmother has leukemia, diabetes and impaired vision; she tried to wear a mask and almost fainted, now she doesn’t want to go out because she doesn’t want to see the dirty looks.

My mother had major dental surgery this summer and had 18 stitches in her mouth as well as a plugged nostril due to sinus complications; she legitimately can’t breathe with a mask on. She has been denied service in multiple stores and the dirty looks and judgmental attitudes are not helpful when she just wants to get groceries.

So before you judge the person in the grocery store without a mask, take 10 seconds to consider that maybe they have a personal health problem. It is not selfish to want to breathe.

Doris Eccles,
Mount Forest