Time for a change

Dear Editor:

We are in the early days of our 40-day push to “change to our government” time. From “putting more money in our pockets” and “look ahead because anything is possible” to giant tax cuts, seem the approach of our two major parties.

Are they really, at the gut level,  aware of major stressors that surround us:

– climate change and its potential drastic effect on communities on our coasts and low water level areas, and all their infrastructure;

– horrendous conditions of non drinkable water and mold ridden houses in some indigenous communities;

– young people and seniors not able to afford housing, even in CW where starter houses are in the $400,000 range. And where debt awaits many; and

– increasing fear in urban areas due to gang/gun violence and drug overdoses.

Solving  a  problem, whether a hole in our roof, or floodproofing a town, or municipalities expending effort and resources to free up land and create affordable housing costs money … and will  not allow taxes to be cut in wide swaths. And includes a plan with steps and timelines to achieve.

The talk of our federal leaders would lead us to trust them and all will be fine and carry on. I have voted for over 50 years and frankly, I have had enough of the talking we hear on TV/social media/info cards  in the mail box … it seems as our leaders talk , I think of Nero fiddling while Rome burned.

I have had enough of the large parties and am leaning to look at a party where our planet seems more important than giving me a few dollars in my pocket – because if no planet, no need for a pocket.

My next days will be spent exploring a party that goes by the name of a colour. This world needs real change if we want a place to live for our children and their children. Enough said. Time to check out my alternative.

David Jones,