Three election issues

Dear Editor:

With the elections around the corner (pretty bad timing, if you ask me), I would like to appeal to all the candidates in the area. You are guaranteed my vote if your party can wholeheartedly commit to only these three items:

– smaller government. We seem to be getting top-heavy. Dissolve the Senate as well as the Governor Generals’ position, for starters;

– rewrite the Income Tax Act. Put it on a diet, and then limit its future amendments so that it can’t be used for buying votes; and

– abolish all First Nations treaties and the Indian Act. We are all Canadian, either by heritage or by assimilation. No one deserves special treatment anymore.

These three points are not meant to offend, but rather, to save the individual taxpayer scads of money, so that, eventually, we can all be proud to live in a country with a soaring surplus instead of a monstrous deficit.

Instead of always worrying about paying for recurring Reconciliation or those ridiculous interest payments on our soaring debt, we will be allowed to, as a country, focus on infrastructure, technological advancement and social stability (i.e. real progress). Hopefully this resonates with more folks.

Doug Vanderveen,
Centre Wellington