The ‘gift of service’

Dear Editor:

Here’s the thing…

Service clubs in small towns have been bringing people together for generations. They are the soul of our communities. Through service clubs, arenas are built and hospitals are able to purchase life saving equipment. Members and volunteers show up to clean parks and highways, they organize and run Santa Claus parades and Easter egg hunts and Home Shows. They organize duck races and they sell raffle tickets. 

All sorts of sports teams are sponsored, free skating and swimming provided at our sportsplex through roast beef dinners and bottle drives. Funds go to our neighbourhood schools for lunch and snack programs and books for their libraries. 

Most of all, clubs and service groups bring people together working for causes that are important to all of us. People who might never have met otherwise start working on projects and events that make a difference in our communities. Our strength comes from the people who choose to give of their time and talents to improve society a little bit at a time. 

Here’s the rub…

Local service clubs are all having difficulty finding new members to continue events that are the lifeblood of our organizations. Without new members and their contributions of time, their ideas and their expertise, many service clubs will be forced to disband from a simple lack of people to run all of the above events, the very events that bring us all together and help strengthen our communities.

Here’s the proposal…

We understand that the most carefully measured resource families and individuals have is time. You don’t need to attend every meeting, you don’t have to help out at every event. You might be willing to help decorate boats at the Steampunk Festival or flip burgers at a fundraising barbecue, volunteer at the Santa Claus Parade, collect electronic waste or help out at a Bike Safety Rodeo with any of the participating clubs in Centre Wellington. 

You will learn that anything is possible if enough of us get together and make it happen. You can introduce the important gift of service to your families. You will meet new people, raise funds for worthy causes and you will have fun! I can guarantee you will receive way more than you will give.

“Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on Earth.” – Muhammad Ali

Pierrette Grondin,
President, CW Optimist Club, Fergus