‘Support the weakest’

Dear Editor:

RE: ‘Serious overreach,’ Sept. 21.

Allan Berry appears to believe that everyone who has died by euthanasia have done so because they knowingly wished it and requested it without coercion.

That is not the case. Many individuals are agreeing to MAID (medical assistance in dying) because of pressure from others, poverty, untreated pain or they cannot afford the treatment.

The Euthanasia Prevention Coalition in London, Ontario has become the experts on what is taking place in Canada and abroad. They can attest to MAID abuse that has happened and continues to happen to seniors, disabled people and the poor.

I personally am opposed to MAID for any reason. I believe we should support the weakest in society. 

Had I known about this demonstration, I would have joined the “Hospice Yes, MAID No” protesters.

Pat Woode,