Super spreader Sunday?

Dear Editor:

Shame on every church who blatantly defies or plans to defy universal COVID-19 legislation. Instead of shining a light on a world that is darkened by this “power of the air”, you are an example of utmost arrogance. As opposed to an organization that is to be an example of light and life, you are contributing to the increase of darkness and death!

How does this compare with Romans 13:1-5, or I Peter 2:13-15? Or have you torn those references out of your Bibles?  If you were an Object of religious persecution, then maybe you would be justified. You are not!

These are restrictions placed on all non-essential services. If you claim to provide an essential service, it can be done within the parameters already set via restricted assembly or technology.

There is even technology that enables your finances to be maintained by those who wish to donate.  Currently your behaviour is encouraging religious persecution but for the wrong reasons! (1 Peter 2:20)

I plead with those who already hold a distaste for this religious institution.  They are not all the same! I am thankful my church is not defying this legislation, or I would disassociate myself from it.

Michael Benson,
New Dundee