Spare harmful details

Dear Editor:

RE: Belwood man to be sentenced to life for murder of grandfather, Nov. 2.

It was with shock and absolute disbelief that I had the misfortune of reading your article describing with unnecessary graphic detail, the account of the murder of George Gemin. 

As an immediate family member (George was my father in law), I want to publicly express my disappointment in your decision to publish such horrific and violent details of this crime.

What you are failing to understand or comprehend is that there are many surviving victims of this tragedy.

Had you taken even just a moment to ask yourself, would you want details of a very personal tragic situation published, had this happened to your family? Was the horrific account of the crime really necessary? 

Sure, the article starts with a disclaimer, but your disclaimer of graphic details acts as clickbait, daring readers to read the article. 

How about not printing them at all? Provide an accurate account of the event, sparing harmful details which the general public need not know.

Of course as a family we have no issue with the news being reported, just have an ounce of compassion and respect for the family, the surviving victims. Shame on you for your choices here. 

Our family has endured three and a half years of pain, and just when we are able to close a chapter of this brutal and violent tragedy with the court proceedings mercifully coming to an end, we are again subjected to further torment with articles such as yours.

I would also urge readers who agree with me to contact the editor and express their displeasure at this needless/graphic reporting. 

Articles such as this, written with extreme violent descriptions, need to stop, which will protect surviving victims of crime from further emotional stress and torment.

Robert Cleghorn,
Guelph Eramosa