‘Simple solution’

Dear Editor:

An open letter to Perth-Wellington MP John Nater.

On the news, it looks like dentists may not be on board with the federal government’s dental plan for seniors. 

Probably because they are worried about an untested system or possibly not getting paid in a timely manner. 

I applied and was accepted. If dentists are not on board, an easy solution, just like every other insurance claim, is to open a portal with the federal government advocate SunLife so claims can be submitted for reimbursement of the dental cost. 

The SunLife plan says you must use a dentist that’s on board – nonsense, file a claim with SunLife, program done, just get the dentist to sign-off the work with the card ID so claim can be made.

Doesn’t anyone think things through and anticipate issues? I can only shake my head. I’m 76 years old and see this simple solution that solves all the problems.

Rory Goodden,