Santa sightings

Dear Editor:

Where does Santa go during his off-season, when he is not busy at the North Pole?

Well lately it seems he has been spotted around Centre Wellington. He has been seen at the Fergus sportsplex, The Grand 101.1, the Gorge restaurant, I Love Chocolate, the One and Only Shop and even the OPP station in Aboyne, plus many other locations.

The plump, generous bearded gentleman has been giving “Santa pens” or a candy cane or toy to all those who sit on his knee and profess to have been good – at least for most of the year!

Some have posed for a picture and received a card and photo in return for a $5 donation to the local food bank.

What a tireless fellow and he has been doing this in other towns too for years. We are glad he chose Fergus as his off-season retreat and hope he sticks around for many years. Thank you, Santa.

Benjamin Collings, FERGUS