Reflect on our past

Dear Editor:

RE: Reflections, Nov. 9.

I agree with Dave Tiessen when he says that we are “born with silver spoons in our mouths”. We have it too easy. Especially in the younger generations, we have not experienced hard times like in the past.

We have everything “handed to us on a silver platter.” We tend to take everything for granted.

We should reflect on our past. We live in a time like no one else in history. Many of us have been blessed with everything we need. Why do we have such a good and prosperous life?

We are so graciously provided for because of ancestors’ actions. The veterans who fought in the past, fought for a better future for their children and grandchildren.

Even those who had a hard past can still reflect and be grateful for what Canada has done for them. The veterans provided a free country for us to live in. One where we don’t have to worry about being attacked by other nations.

As a granddaughter of those who were affected by World War II, my childhood was filled with tragic stories of their struggles and difficulties. Thank you to all those brave warriors and Canadians that fought and saved us from these dreadful wars.

Thanking our forebears, for what they did in the past is a necessity. They fought for our better future. Their lives were drastically changed for the worse so that our lives could be changed for the better.

Henrietta Thalen,