‘Readers don’t know’

Dear Editor:

RE: Green light imposter? (Feb. 8).

On page 6 of the Feb. 8 issue of the Wellington Advertiser, you reported that a driver was charged with improper use of a green flashing light. You don’t, however, explain what a green flashing light is used for and why its use was improper in this occasion.

I’m taking a guess here, but I believe that, probably, most of your readers don’t know the purpose of a green flashing light.

Anthony Martins,

*Editor’s note: Flashing green lights are used in the personal vehicles of volunteer firefighters on their way to the fire hall after being paged for an emergency call. Other drivers should yield the right of way to vehicles with these lights (pull over and allow them to pass if it is safe to do so). Though not fully explained by the OPP in the case noted above, improper use of such lights would include any use other than during an emergency situation or use by anyone other than a first responder.