Putting others at risk

Dear Editor:

RE: Staff who don’t comply with vaccine procedures won’t be terminated: school boards, Oct. 7.

Local school board officials say staff members who aren’t vaccinated might be placed on unpaid leave. Failing to abide by vaccine guidelines will result in punishment but not termination.

I agree. If the teachers choose not to be vaccinated or follow procedures, they must accept the consequences. They are willingly putting children and other staff members at risk for COVID-19.

Before the start of school, the Upper Grand School Board sent out binary vaccination questions to ensure all staff were fully vaccinated. The unvaccinated must be rapid tested for COVID twice a week. They also must watch an educational video about COVID-19.

Those who aren’t vaccinated are sent personalized letters with procedures they must follow. If they cannot satisfy these they are not to enter their place of work. This instantly places them on unpaid leave.

If teachers choose not to follow these rules it is their choice. They have to accept the consequences. They are placing themselves on unpaid leave by choosing not to submit to COVID-19 testing and watching the videos.

Keira Vink,